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Ph.D. Candidate in Communication (UFPR)
M.Sc. in Communication (UFPR)
Scholarship Holder (INCT-DSI/CNPq)

Ph.D. Candidate and M.Sc. in Communication in Communication (Federal University of Paraná). Scholarship Holder (INCT-DSI/CNPq). Bachelor’s degree in Journalism. Researcher at the Research Group on Media, Politics, and Technology (PONTE/UFPR).

Communication and Democracy;
Digital Democracy;
Digital public transparency;
Public communication.

Examining how news pieces are instrumentalized on politicians’ social media.

COMEL, Naiza; BRODBECK, P. ; QUADROS, C. . A Prefeitura de Florianópolis no Facebook: a comunicação pública das redes sociais. REVISTA COMPOLITICA, v. 11, p. 51-80, 2021.

COMEL, Naiza; MARQUES, F. P. J. Transparência online e comunicação pública no âmbito municipal. E-COMPÓS (BRASÍLIA), p. 1-23, 2022.

MARQUES, F. P. J.; FERRACIOLI, P. ; COMEL, Naiza ; KNIESS, A. B. Who is who in fact-checked conspiracy theories? Disseminators, sources, and the struggle for authority in polarized environments. Journalism, v. 24, p. 1-24, 2023.

MARQUES, FRANCISCO PAULO JAMIL; MIOLA, EDNA ; KNIESS, ANDRESSA BUTTURE ; COMEL, NAIZA . Between Adversarialism and Cooperation: Rhetorical Strategies of Interviewers and Interviewees in Presidential Elections. Journalism Practice, v. 17, p. 1-22, 2023.

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