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Ph.D. Researchers

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science (UFPR)
Ph.D. in Communication (UFBA)
Research Fellow (CNPq)

Digital transparency in the case of the Brazilian state: theory, methodology, and practical devices
Editorial journalism in comparative perspective


Associate Professor, Department of Language and Communication (UTFPR)
Researcher, Post-Graduate Program of Planning and Public Governance (UTFPR)
Ph.D. in Communication (UFMG)

 Government communication dilemmas: Conflicts between propaganda and public interest
Digital Democracy and Government Communication on Social Media
Political communication and digital transparency in the Brazilian case: An assessment on multidimensional factors influencing the effectiveness of public control


Assistant Professor, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Ph.D. in Political Science (UFPR)
Master in Communication (UFC)

 Online communication and parliamentary openness: Information, transparency, and participation in Brazilian Parliaments’ online tools.
 Online information flows and electoral behavior: Political campaigns through WhatsApp, profile of voters and voting decision.


Postdoctoral Research Fellow (University of Oxford)
Ph.D. in Political Science (UFPR)

Trust in News Project


Assistant Professor, Department of Language and Communication (UTFPR)
Ph.D. in Communication (UFMG)

 Emotions, argumentation and interactions on deliberative practice: learning deliberation in public schools for conflicts resolution and citizenship development.


Ph.D. in Political Science (UFPR)
Master in Political Science (UFPR)

 When Journalism is the target: the construction of journalistic authority by quality papers in Brazil and the U.S. during the terms of Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump.


Ph.D. in Political Science (UFPR)
Master in Communication (UFPR)

 Fact-checking checkability criteria: a comparison between countries.


Postdoctoral Research Fellow (INCT-DSI/CNPq)
Ph.D. in Political Science (UFPR)
Master in Political Science (UFPR)


Fact checking and journalistic authority: An analysis of Fato ou Fake e Estadão Verifica during Lula’s and Bolsonaro’s Governments


Ph.D. in Communication (UFPR)
Master in Communication (UFPR)

Research Fellow (INCT-DSI/CNPq)


Examining how news pieces are instrumentalized on politicians’ social media


Ph.D. in Communication (UFPR)
Master in Journalism Studies (UEPG)

 Transformations in journalism and conflicts with the political field.


Postdoctoral Fellow (INCT-DD/CNPq)
Ph.D. in Communication (UFBA)

 The Brazilian Federal Executive transparency: a longitudinal comparison between governments.


Ph.D. in Communication (UFBA)
Dean of Community Affairs (IFPR) and
Researcher (INCT-DD)

 The state of digital transparency of Brazilian executive governments.



Master in Political Science (UFPR)
Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (UFPR)

 Brazilian pension reforms in O Estado de S. Paulo’s editorials: Positions, emphases, and parallelisms.


Master in Political Science (UFPR)
Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences (UFPR)

 Digital transparency and Health: An analysis of requests for access to information between 2016 and 2021.


Master in Communication (UFPR)

What does it mean to “de-westernize” communication studies? A study of South American academic in the Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR).

MSc Students

Master’s student, Graduate Program in Communication (UFPR)

Digital activism and online mobilization: The case of

Master’s student, Graduate Program in Communication (UFPR)

What do newsletters reveal about the political-ideological convictions of journalistic organizations?

Master’s student, Graduate Program in Communication (UFPR)

The role of journalists, fans, and players in coach Cuca’s scandal at Corinthians.

Master’s student, Graduate Program in Technology and Society (UTFPR)

Human-computer interaction of autistic adults and their job search


Master’s student, Graduate Program in Political Science (UFPR)

Political Communication strategies adopted by women candidates during the 2022 elections


Undergraduate Students

Social Sciences  (UFPR)


Social Sciences  (UFPR)

Social Sciences  (UFPR)

Social Sciences  (UFPR)

Social Sciences  (UFPR)


Social Sciences  (UFPR)


Social Sciences  (UFPR)

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