Associate Professor in the Department of Language and Communication (UTFPR)
PhD in Communication Studies (UFMG)
Communication and Politics;
Deliberation and Emotion;
Communication, Democracy and Human Rights.
Emotions, argumentation and interactions on deliberative practice: learning deliberation in public schools for conflicts resolution and citizenship development.
MOTTA, Filipe; HAUBER, Gabriella. Anti-environmentalism and populism in Brazil: Bolsonaro and the defence of global agri-business. Environmental Politics, 2022.
HAUBER, Gabriella; MOTTA, Filipe Mendes. News Media and Connectivity in Deliberative Systems: Reflections on the Debate about the Brazilian Age of Criminal Responsibility. BRAZILIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, v. 15, p. 1-38, 2021.
SANGLARD, Fernanda Nalon; HAUBER, Gabriella. Review of Habermas and the Media by Hartmut Wessler (Medford, MA: Polity, 2018). Journal of Deliberative Democracy, v. 15, p. 12, 2020.
MAIA, Rousiley C. M.; HAUBER, Gabriella. The emotional dimensions of reason-giving in deliberative forums. POLICY SCIENCES, v. 53, p. 33-59, 2020.
MAIA, Rousiley C. M.; HAUBER, Gabriella; CHOUCAIR, Tariq; CREPALDE, Neylson. What Kind of Disagreement Favors Reason-Giving? Analyzing Online Political Discussions across the Broader Public Sphere. POLITICAL STUDIES, 2020.
HAUBER, Gabriella. Por que o termo feminicídio incomoda tanto? um estudo de caso de comentários de posts da página do Facebook do Jornal O Globo. CADERNOS PAGU, 2020.
MAIA, Rousiley; SILVEIRA, Bruna; ORLANDINI, Maiara; HAUBER, Gabriella; CAMELO, Pedro Henrique; INES, Leonardo; CHOUCAIR, Tariq. A TEORIA DO RECONHECIMENTO EM TEMPOS DE INTOLERÂNCIA: retrocesso cultural e politização reativa. In: Barbara Heller; Danila Cal; Ana Paula da Rosa. (Org.). Midiatização, (in)tolerância e reconhecimento. 1ed.Salvador: Edufba, 2020, v. 1, p. 109-130.
MAIA, Rousiley; CAL, Danila; OLIVEIRA, Vanessa; VIMIEIRO, Ana Carolina; HAUBER, Gabriella; ROSSINI, Patrícia. Deliberation Across a Space of Reasons: Assessing Epistemic Changes in Group Discussions. Human Communication Research, v. 44, p. 399-426. 2018.
MAIA, Rousiley; CAL, Danila; HAUBER, Gabriella; OLIVEIRA, Vanessa; ROSSINI, Patrícia; SAMPAIO, Rafael. Conversação e deliberação sobre questões sensíveis: um estudo sobre o uso das razões que circulam nos media. GALÁXIA (PUCSP), v. 34, p. 55-72, 2017.
HAUBER, Gabriella. Deliberação mediada sobre a redução da maioridade penal no Brasil: Emoção, razão e opinião pública. CIBERLEGENDA (UFF. ONLINE), v. 2015/02, p. 80-93, 2015.