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Why Americans Hate the Media

Why has the media establishment become so unpopular? Perhaps the public has good reason to think that the media's self-aggrandizement gets in the way of solving the country's real problems. Fonte: The Atlantic. Leia todo o texto aqui.

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Poll: Most Americans want to break up Big Tech

The Biden administration is inheriting a number of lawsuits aimed at breaking up big tech monopolies in the United States. It’s a cause most Americans support, according to a new poll by Vox and Data for Progress. Fonte: Vox. Leia todo o texto…

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Mais de 70% dos americanos não sabem que WhatsApp e Instagram são do Facebook

Americanos  / Facebook Mais de 70% dos americanos não sabem que WhatsApp e Instagram são do Facebook, de acordo com a pesquisa da Pew Research Center publicada nesta quarta-feira (9). Fonte: Folha de S. Paulo Leia todo o texto Link: Leia…

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