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Roll Back Internet Data Collection. Start With Facebook.

Internet Data Collection / Facebook Nothing that happened Wednesday will satisfy Facebook Inc.’s critics. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s chief consumer privacy watchdog, hit Facebook with a $5 billion fine for violating promises to better protect personal information. Fonte: Bloomberg Opinion Leia todo…

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What Facebook Can Do to Avoid Regulation

Facebook / Regulation Conservatives remain convinced that the tech industry is biased against them. They point to evidence that Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube are staffed disproportionately by liberals, a fact that nobody seriously denies. In a fascinating essay for the New Atlantis, Adam White argues that there is…

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Memes ganham cada vez mais importância na política mundial

Memes / Política Mundial Atualmente, uma campanha por um cargo político exige forte presença nas redes sociais. Para os mais de 20 democratas que concorrem à indicação para representar o partido nas eleições presidenciais americanas de 2020, isso inclui propaganda…

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Facebook Wants AI to Screen Content, But Fairness Issues Remain

Facebook  / AI One of Facebook Inc.’s biggest issues in trying to stop the spread of fake news on its platform is being able to train its algorithms on good examples of truth and falsehoods. Fonte: Bloomberg Leia todo o texto Link:…

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Facebook blocks transparency tools as one third of world gets ready to vote

Facebook / Transparência In a worrying development, Facebook is actively altering its code to prevent advertising transparency tools and plugins from functioning. This is especially troubling as major elections take place worldwide this year. Fonte: RT Leia todo o texto Link:…

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Facebook Is Still Downplaying Its Role in the 2016 Election

Facebook  / Election Immediately after the 2016 election, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg dismissed as “crazy” the notion that fake news stories disseminated over his platform had influenced the outcome of the presidential race. Facing an outpouring of criticism about Facebook’s role in spreading…

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