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New Landmark Study on Online Gendered Abuse and Disinformation

Online gendered and sexualized abuse and disinformation against women in public life is widespread, and social media platforms are doing too little to stop it, finds a landmark study by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and Moonshot CVE, with support from the Oxford…

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How the Internet gets inside us

Internet / Information When the first Harry Potter book appeared, in 1997, it was just a year before the universal search engine Google was launched. And so Hermione Granger, that charming grind, still goes to the Hogwarts library and spends…

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Why does it suddenly feel like 1999 on the internet?

1999 / Internet Every few days, tens of thousands of people on Instagram join a virtual dance party hosted by DJ D-Nice. The blowout live-stram events, branded under the name Club Quarantine, have attracted celebrities from all corners of internet,…

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The internet is more fragile than you think

Internet / Fragile How could a small internet service provider (ISP) in Pennsylvania cause millions of websites worldwide to go offline? That’s what happened on June 24, 2019 when users across the world were left unable to access a large fraction of…

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Haters: el lado oscuro de los likes

Haters / likes "Ojalá que toda tu familia se muera de cáncer". "Gorda cuatro ojos con ese vestido parecés un matambre". "Me cago en vos y todo tu linaje de retardados mentales". Esos comentarios hirientes y arbitrarios que se ven en diferentes…

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Longing for an Internet Cleanse

Longing  / Internet Cleanse The two most recent times I saw my friend Makoto Fujimura, he put a Kintsugi bowl in my hands. These ceramic bowls were 300 to 400 years old. But what made them special was that somewhere along…

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