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The Communication, Politics, and Technology Research Group (PONTE) started its activities in 2010 at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). In 2015, our group moved to the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

PONTE’s researchers investigate concepts and experiences concerning the interplay between Media and Democracy. Our scientific production tackles issues such as the forms of mediated political communication and the media effects over the public sphere and public opinion.

We are primarily interested in Political Journalism, Electoral Campaigns, Digital Communication, and Public Communication. Besides developing analytical tools to improve democratic practices, we employ different quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Our team encompasses researchers both from the Political Science Graduate Program and the Communication Studies Graduate Program based at the UFPR.

PONTE is proud to be part of a cooperation network encompassing several other teams in Brazil, such as the Discourse, Communication, and Democracy Research Group (DISCORD, Federal University of Technology – Paraná) and the Communication, Politics, and Society Research Group (COPS, Federal University of Maranhão).

We are grateful for the support that CNPq and Capes – the leading Brazilian funding agencies – offer us by sponsoring research projects and providing scholarships to our students.

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