Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science (Notre Dame)
M.Sc. in Political Science (Notre Dame)
Jacob Turner is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Political Science at Notre Dame University. His research focuses mainly on electoral campaigns in Latin America, specifically support for law-and-order (mano dura) policies, the performance of politicians with security sector ties, and the online behavior of political candidates. His research also examines the relationship between the spatial distribution of state power and the political attitudes of citizens, uncovering the process by which state agents impact ideas of citizenship in highly unequal contexts.
Digital Democracy;
Political Parties;
Political Violence.
War in Words: Law, Order, and Iron Fist Politics in Brazil.
Turner, Jacob. 2022. Guerrillas and Authoritarians: Partners in Post-War Polarization. Party Politics 28:1: 163-173.
Turner, Jacob. 2020. State Presence and Democratic Culture: A Spatial Investigation. Teoria e Pesquisa 29:2: 159-186. https://www.teoriaepesquisa.ufscar.brindex.php/tp/article/view/822