Leituras do grupo 2013.1 – Texto 6
No dia 17 de junho, discutiremos o seguinte texto: Twitter Use by Presidential Primary Candidates During the 2012 Campaign.
Autores: CONWAY, Bethany Anne et al.
Abstract: This study examines Twitter use by presidential candidates during the 2012 primary election. The Twitter feeds and activity levels of candidates from the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and Americans Elect parties and their campaigns were gathered over a 3-month span. Variables examined include the number of tweets posted, followers gained, and followers added as well as the occurrence of hashtags, user mentions, hyperlinks, and content categories within tweets. Results showed candidates’ presence on Twitter was not uniform. Tweet frequency did not necessarily result in followers gained. Interestingly, the candidates who tweeted the most were not major party nominees. As the Republican primary campaign progressed, the amount of daily tweeting by the candidates was not higher than it had been earlier in the primary season.
Link: http://bit.ly/172w78u
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