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Facebook funnelling readers towards Covid misinformation – study

Facebook / Covid misinformation Websites spreading misinformation about health attracted nearly half a billion views on Facebook in April alone, as the coronavirus pandemic escalated worldwide, a report has found. Fonte: The Guardian Leia todo o texto Link: Leia outros textos aqui

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What if Facebook Is the Real ‘Silent Majority’?

Facebook / ‘Silent Majority’ Since the 2016 election, I’ve been obsessively tracking how partisan political content is performing on Facebook, the world’s largest and arguably most influential media platform. Every morning, one of the first browser tabs I open is CrowdTangle…

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How Facebook, Twitter and other data troves are revolutionizing social science

Data troves / Social science Elizaveta Sivak spent nearly a decade training as a sociologist. Then, in the middle of a research project, she realized that she needed to head back to school. Fonte: Nature Leia todo o texto Link: Leia…

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How to think about polarization on Facebook

Polarization / Facebook On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal published a report about Facebook’s efforts to fight polarization since 2016, based on internal documents and interviews with current and former employees. Rich with detail, the report describes how Facebook researched ways to reduce…

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As Facebook Moderates Covid-19 Misinformation With AI, Advertisers Navigate Brand Safety During The Crisis

Facebook / Covid-19 Misinformation As Facebook uses artificial intelligence to moderate Covid-19 misinformation, marketers continue to grapple with how to advertise around the crisis both on and off the platform. Fonte: Forbes Leia todo o texto Link: Leia outros textos aqui

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Mais de 70% dos americanos não sabem que WhatsApp e Instagram são do Facebook

Americanos  / Facebook Mais de 70% dos americanos não sabem que WhatsApp e Instagram são do Facebook, de acordo com a pesquisa da Pew Research Center publicada nesta quarta-feira (9). Fonte: Folha de S. Paulo Leia todo o texto Link: Leia…

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Social Media Looks Like the New Opiate of the Masses

Social Media / Masses With Facebook enduring a wave of public criticism for its cavalier approach to user privacy, it’s becoming more apparent how important social media has become. I suspect it will be many years before the true scale and scope of…

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Smart TVs entregam dados para empresas como Google e Facebook, diz estudo

Smart TVs / Dados Smart TVs estão enviando dados de usuários, incluindo localização e histórico de navegação, para empresas como Google, Facebook e Netflix. É o que revela estudos citados pelo jornal Financial Times. Os dados, segundo pesquisadores, são usados para direcionamento de anúncios. Fonte: Link Leia…

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